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Making a multiplayer game in such short time is quite a feat, and I like the idea of having an asymmetrical egghunt. I wonder if this idea has room for expansion in a bigger game, though I’ll admit I wish the map had more discernible landmarks to make certain parts of the map feel a bit different. Otherwise the visual direction is very nice and works well with the sweeping flute-and-harp score to build an energetic tone that doesn’t go overboard.

Great work!


I tried the webgl build but I can't seem to place eggs in hide mode or pick them up in seek mode. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I like the concept and the fact that you created an Asynchronous multiplayer game for a game jam, that's awesome.


I guess I am the only who played this so far, because I only found my eggs =D The concept is great, and I cannot even fathom how it works on the server side, really impressive. It would be nice if there was a way to discern between eggs though, as it is not it's absolutely based on luck. Maybe give them a different way to "glisten"? something that is hard to see, and put the seeker on a timer so sometimes going for an unsafe egg is necessary?
Anyway, cool idea!

Thanks! I did make the unsafe eggs slightly shinier and more silver than gold, but in testing people had a hard time differentiating them until it was pointed out. I should probably fix that. Thanks for the feedback. :)


I really liked your timer idea. So now there is a timer when seeking and the eggs are even further away in color than they used to be. Thanks again